Folksongs - Vinyl (JRLP020)
A vinyl record with 12 songs from the trio´s previous CD´s
1. Góða veislu gjöra skal – A Merry Feast Shall Now Be Made
2. Þorraþræll – Close of Winter Hardship
3. Krummi krunkar úti – Outside Cronks the Raven
4. Ólafur liljurós – Olafur Lilyrose
5. Vísur – Rhymes
6. Hættu að gráta hringaná – Stop Crying Now, My Dear Girl
1. Á Sprengisandi – Riding over the Desert
2. Stóð ég úti í tunglsljósi – As I Stood in the Moonlight
3. Dýravísur – Animal Verses
4. Krummi svaf í klettagjá – The Raven Slept in a Ravine
5. Guð gaf mér eyra – God Gave Me Ears
6. Sofðu unga ástin mín – Sleep My Tiny Dear
Available at the following stores
Plötubúðin, Trönuhraun 6, Hafnarfirði – WEBSTORE
Lucky Records, Rauðarárstígur 10, Reykjavik – WEBSTORE
Smekkleysa, Hverfisgata 32, Reykjavik – WEBSTORE
12 tónar, SkólavörðustígUR 15, ReykjavIk – WEBSTORE
Reykjavík Record Shop, Klapparstígur 35, Reykjavík
Hljómsýn, Ámúli 38, Reykjavík
Penninn Eymundsson, Hafnarstræti 91, Akureyri
Order direct from jon@jrmusic.is Icel.kr.4.500,- + Shipping
Björn Thoroddsen, Gunnar Thórdarson and Jón Rafnsson founded the trio Guitar Islancio in 1998. They have devoted themselves to folksongs that people have played and sung through the centuries. Folksongs are an inseparable part of cultural heritage that the trio approaches attentively and respectfully. While performing the songs, the threesome improvises. Simple tunes take on a modern nuance that is at once Icelandic and international. The trio has been very popular. It has performed at concerts and music festivals in many parts of the world.